Saturday, August 6, 2011

Why is the Marquis de Sade regarded as a literary genius?

Having just read Philosophy in the Boudoir and coming away from the experience a somehow diminished man lol, I can say The Sade is one of the most immature minds to have ever committed pen to paper. I don't think he should be censored but there is a big difference between not censoring his work and propping him up as some kind of vanguard of artistic freedom or worse yet some nihilist anarchist prophet who could give Tyler Durden a run for his money. Quite simply his work is smut with jarring interjections of ham-fisted adolescent philosophy that only serve to break up the flow of the ogrαphic scenes. If you like the smut, the more power to you, however let's not get this confused with Thus Spoke Zarathustra or other intellectual works of merit. He also doesn't display any real literary talent. His descriptions were highly superficial lacking any sort of creative energy. Sade's argument for wanton selfishness was that our appetites for vice are clearly a part of nature simply because we have them. However If people followed Sade's ideas, applied them to their lives, society would fall apart and the most innate and natural advantage bestowed on us, namely our ability to organize into societies would become disused. The upshot would be since we're so adapted to living in the context of a society, we as a species would probably start to die out very quickly and given how we extol such an antisocial imbecile as an existential genius, perhaps rightfully so.

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