Sunday, August 14, 2011

How to Make this mono blue Magic Deck Better?

First of all, Ponder is only restricted in Vintage format, so don't listen to that person. I'm sorry, but your deck would NOT hold up in tournament play. It looks like you just threw a bunch of blue cards you happened to have together. I see minor synergies, but nothing real. I ume you want to use ponder/halimar/sage owl to fix your top card so Djinn can bring out your Darksteel Colossus, maybe have Clone copy him. You really don't have a way to control the board, and Blue is known for having lackluster creatures so you will be cled out in that department easily. You are only running 20 lands, which is definitely too few, probably bring it up to 24. Control decks run up to 28, and the Blue/White control deck that is seen in tournaments runs up to 30! Going on, you have a lot of cards that you have only 1 or 2 of. Consistancy is the name of the game, and the chances are you aren't going to get what you need when you need it if you only have 1 of it in a 60 card deck. Go get some more cards, then come back. Good luck!

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